Picture this. You wake up. Head into work. Grab a bag of gear. Drive to a local national park. Today you are rock climbing on one of South Australia’s most beautiful natural rock-climbing cliffs. Tomorrow you are going out kayaking on the River Torrens. The day after that, bushwalking on Kangaroo Island. That’s what it is like being a Tour Guide for Earth Adventure.
Earth Adventure operates across South Australia, from half-day experiences to full day and multi-day adventures. Life is never boring for our guides. They get to travel everywhere, and since Earth Adventure is highly focused on safety, they are given the opportunity to obtain qualifications in every experience we operate.
So what does the office look like for one of our guides?

Onkaparinga River National Park
The Onkaparinga River National Park is located on the Fleurieu Peninsula and contains a breath-taking natural gorge, and some of the last remaining pockets of natural vegetation in the area. It is the home of several Australia wildlife favourites, including echidnas! Our tour guides spend their days out on the cliffs, rock climbing with tour groups and enjoying the amazing views from the top.

The River Torrens
The River Torrens runs through Adelaide, South Australia’s capital city and is home to a surprisingly diverse range of water life, from water birds such as black swans, wood sucks and herons to native fish like the big-headed gudgeon. Our tour guides spend their day on kayaking adventures.

The Fleurieu Peninsula
Located only 40 minutes from Adelaide the Fleurieu Peninsula has become a hub for water sports, adventures through the local bushlands, and of course some truly spectacular wines and local eateries. Our tour guides travel throughout the area, from days in summer spent teaching surfing and snorkelling in the crystal-clear waters, to rock climbing in the local national park (see Onkaparinga River National Park above) to a day of fun at the local Southern Adventure Hub before relaxing at a local winery. Truly every day is different for our tour guides in the South!

Morialta Conservation Park
The Morialta Conservation Park is located only a quick 20 minute drive from Adelaide city centre and provides a truly unique local experience with natural woodlands, gorges and even a stunning waterfall! Not to mention the local wildlife, with kookaburra and koala sightings considered a common experience. Our tour guides spend their days out on the rocks, taking local groups rock climbing and abseiling on the weekends.

Southern Flinders Ranges
Located as close as a three-hour drive to Adelaide, the Flinders Ranges is the stepping stone to the Australian Outback. Towering cliffs, deep crater, gorgeous hidden gorges and so much more are there to be discovered. Camping sites are a plenty and there is nothing quite like sitting around a camp fire, swapping stories and staring up at a star filled night sky. Our tour guides love taking groups out to the Southern Flinders, exploring areas like Alligator Gorge, guiding them through bushwalking trails, experiencing local indigenous tours, rock climbing and even spending nights out under the stars. What a way to spend your day at work!
These are just some examples of the many ‘work places’ our Tour Guides get to experience every single day. Why not join us on one of our many tours, or call us to organise a private group tour in any one of the many beautiful regions South Australia has to offer?